How to Make Alcohol - Discussion

Would you like to exchange your experiences with other schnapps distillers? Everything in this forum revolves around distilling spirits at home - how to make alcohol. Please observe our forum rules (see Helpful tips for use).

Te distill

dan gunnells am 27.06.2022 20:05:50 | Region: Was

I have a gallon of cloudy shine

Can I re run it or throw it out

If I re run it how do I do it

RE: Re distill

Helge am 30.06.2022 07:58:23 | Region: Carinthia

Yes, you can redistill it. This time you don't have heads anymore, but nevertheless tails, so take care to stop the distillation on time.

OR: try to filter, e.g., with a pre-folded paper filter, like the one shown in our shop: