How to Make Alcohol - Discussion

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Distillate flavor

DocDistiller am 17.03.2020 00:52:44 | Region: USA

I have run 4 “batches” of product through my still (Whiskey Still, USA). One potato mash, one hard cider, one “beer” with a cranberry tart. These were my inexpensive, easy practice runs. The fourth distillate was a tart cherry mash created last July. Fermentation was vigorous using turbo yeast, and produced a beautiful burgundy colored mash that smelled and tasted of the fresh cherries and had a high alcohol content (by taste. I have no way to measure the wort, but tasted like very strong wine).

From 5 gallons of mash, I harvested about 1gallon of schnapps at an ABV of 65%, then diluted to 43 ABV.

Problem: All taste the same—like pure alcohol! I had high hopes for the cherry. Why no flavor? I placed about 10% of pits and pulp in a basket, but must admit it was below fluid level during distillation (short legs). I may wait for cherry season to return and do an infusion, but how can I get flavor in the straight schnapps?

I have a pear mash that will be ready to distill in a few weeks (made 6 months ago).

Thank you!

RE: Distillate flavor

Tom am 20.03.2020 13:01:32 | Region: nowhere
The undiluted ABV is a bit high, but principally in the right range for a pot still, so you didn't reflux too much. Too much reflux causes losses of aromatic substances. You write: "I placed about 10% of pits and pulp in a basket". First, you don't need a steamer basket if distilling (fruit) mash, second, does this mean you used only about 10 % of the pulp? Thus, you distilled only the liquid and added just a quite low portion of the solid parts? You should use everything for distillation, liquid AND all pits and solid parts. Thus insert the basket in the kettle and pour the unfiltered mash into the kettle. The basket has to be covered entirely by the mash, just to avoid burning the content while distilling.

Good luck!

RE: Distillate flavor

DocDistiller am 23.03.2020 01:56:00 | Region: USA

My mistake. I only used a portion of the fruit pulp and pits. How do I distill 5+gal through a 2gal still? Agitate entire mash and do in batches?

RE: Distillate flavor

Tom am 23.03.2020 09:14:35 | Region: nowhere

Yes, stir well, pour the mixture into the kettle, and distill the content. Repeat this process until you've used up all of your mash.