Home Distilling Books

Bettina Malle, Helge Schmickl
Publisher: Spikehorn Press U.S.A.,
© 2015
150 pages, hardcover, full-color
photographs & illustrations
ISBN: 978-1-943015-04-7

Bettina Malle, Helge Schmickl
ökobuch Verlag GmbH
17. Auflage 2023
176 Seiten, Hardcover,
durchgehend farbig bebildert
ISBN: 978-3-947021-33-8
Mashing + Spirits + Infusions – more than 300 recipes
Bettina Malle – Helge Schmickl
41 pages, 2019, 1st edition
Price: 12,00€
Mashing, Distilling and Diluting – A Step-by-Step Guide
Bettina Malle – Helge Schmickl
29 pages, 2019, 1st edition
Preis: 9,00€

The Artisan’s Guide to Crafting Distilled Spirits
If you would like to know how to make moonshine yourself in the best quality, you can learn the art of distilling hands-on with the help of our book The Artisan’s Guide to Crafting Distilled Spirits:
- Making a mash – the foundation of homemade moonshine
- Distillation
- Distilling spirits at home – the copper still
- Dilution of schnapps (alcohol dilution calculator)
- Numerous moonshine recipes for mash, spirits and infusions
Making a mash
To obtain a good distillate, you must first of all make the perfect mash. The quality of the mash is decisive for homemade schnapps. Using rotten and dirty fruit can never lead to high-quality schnapps. In the book, you will find precise guides and recipes to make these mashes easily yourself, and you will find out everything about possible problems during fermentation and what measures can then be taken.
The book contains a detailed description of how to separate the heads, hearts and tails. When is it necessary to double-distil the mash, and under what conditions is single distillation adequate for homemade schnapps? You will find out exactly how you can distil a good brandy at home yourself.
Making schnapps yourself – the homemade still
How does the optimum still have to be setup correctly from a process technology perspective? What materials can I use? How do I construct or alternatively recognize a functional still? Regardless of whether you build the still yourself or buy it, here you can acquire the necessary know-how to end up with the perfect moonshine still for your homemade schnapps.
Dilution of schnapps
Detailed description of the dilution process including calculation for making the perfect schnapps yourself. Furthermore, you will find tips on the storage and artificial aging of your homemade schnapps.
Numerous moonshine mash recipes and distilling recipes for homemade schnapps with precise information for mashes, infusions and spirits. Discover how you can make the greatest variety of mashes and distillates at home yourself.
Table of contents:
- The Foundations and Traditions of Distilling
- Mashes
HOW IS ALCOHOL FORMED?; An excursion into chemistry; The fermentation process;
Which fruits can be used to make the mash?; Preparing the fruit; Fermentation container; Adding water; Conventional mash; Adding pure cultured yeast; Checking the pH value; Pectinate; Alcohol content of conventional mash; High-grade mash with added sugar; What are the advantages of a high-grade mash?; Preparing a high-grade mash; Checking the progress of the fermentation; Measuring the alcohol content in the mash with a vinometer; Fermentation log; When is the fermentation complete?; Problems during fermentation; Filtration of the mash; Storing the mash; Making a mash from grains, corn or potatoes (starch products) - Stills
Principles of construction; The pot still variant; Materials; Kettle; Column and lyne arm; Condenser; Different still types; Small Schmickl stills; Jacketed kettles; Reflux or rectification stills; Combination stills; Large stills (pot still and reflux); Buying a still; Using the still; Filling; Emptying and cleaning - Distilling
Introduction; Heads; Fine brandy; Tails; Separation of heads and tails; Relative proportions of the three parts; Antifoam; Single or double distillation?; Diluting to a drinkable strength; Determining the alcohol content; Calculating the amount of water needed for dilution; Cloudiness; Treatment with activated carbon; Flavor-neutral alcohol; Storage - Mash recipes
Excellent mash, excellent schnapps; Fruit wine; Filtering the mash; Pressing out the solid components; Extracting the fruit wine; Storage - Infusions
Required materials; Recipes - Spirits
The principle of making spirits; Basic materials; Recipes; Comparison of the production methods - Essential oils
- Drinking culture
Bottling and labelling; Enjoyment and quality check; Other countries, other customs - Legal situation
Germany; Austria; Distilling rights; Food code; Switzerland; Making spirits and distilling infusions - Frequently asked questions
Harvest calendar

Moonshine Recipes
This extensive collection of moonshine recipes was put together by us over many years. It includes classics such as plum, grappa, gin, absinthe, raspberry spirit, herbs, orange, lemon, Swiss stone pine as well as more unusual recipes such as honey, coffee, cucumber, mushrooms, mango, roses and lemon grass.
Price: 12,00€
Table of contents:
- The book contains basic recipes for mash (also for different mash quantities), infusions and spirits.
- The moonshine recipes are sorted alphabetically from A to Z, you will find more than 300 different recipes in this recipe collection.
- Each recipe contains special features and any deviations from the basic recipe.
- The information for each recipe is subdivided into mash, infusion and spirit. So you can see immediately, which type of preparation is suitable for a particular fruit or, with many fruit varieties and vegetables, all three types of production are very useful.
- Many recipes also consist of plant / herb / fruit mixtures such as gin, absinthe, mojito, Christmas spirit,…

How do You Make Moonshine
Compact guide to distilling alcohol: Learn in short step-by-step instructions how to make mashes, spirits and infusions. There are no background explanations, the book goes into the individual production steps briefly and concisely.
Price: 9,00€
Table of contents:
- What is a brandy, spirit and infusion?
- What equipment is needed to mash in fruit, distill spirits and dilute them?
- How do you make mash from your own fruit?
- Which alcohol is to be used for the production of a spirit and an infusion?
- Which ingredients are suitable for spirits and infusions?
- How do you go about preparing an infusion?
- How do you distill a brandy, spirit and infusion? And how do you separate the heads and tails?
- How is a distillate diluted?
- How are distillates properly bottled and stored?
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